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Pros: Benzene is often used as an intermediate for making many other chemicals.

Cons: The American petroleum institute (API) stated in 1948 that "it is generally considered that the only absolutely safe concentration for benzene is zero." Long time benzene exposure can lead to major health defects such as leukemia.

Hope this helped ;D


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1mo ago

Pros of benzene: widely used in industry for production of chemicals, important raw material in the manufacture of plastics, synthetic fibers, and rubber. Cons of benzene: known human carcinogen, long-term exposure linked to cancers such as leukemia, can cause harmful effects on the central nervous system and reproductive system.

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14y ago

The pros of benzene is apple and the cons of benzene is banana.

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13y ago

I don't know either. Can SOMEONE please answer this question? I need it for a science project, and it's due tomorrow!

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6y ago

All are very useful but also can be dangerous.

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14y ago

i can not get the answer i need.

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14y ago

One CON of benzene is that it's toxic.

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