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Solid, specific chemical composition, crystalline structure, formed by nature, and inorganic.

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Q: What are the 5 characteristics of mineral?
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5 characteristics of a mineral?


Is coal a mineral coal?

no coal doesn't have the 5 characteristics of a rock

What 5 characteristics does a mineral must have?

A mineral must be a naturally occurring, homogeneous solid with a defined chemical composition and a highly ordered atomic arrangement.

What characteristiscs do minerals have to have to be a mineral?

Minerals have to have these five characteristics. The five characteristics are solid, crystal structure, chemical composition, made by nature, and inorganic.Those are five characteristics a mineral are required to have to be a mineral.

Do some alien races have mineral-based characteristics?

Some alien races could have mineral based characteristics, if they exist.

Characteristics of a mineral to an ore mineral?

A mineral that is useful and economically viable to extract and purify is an ore.

What are the mineral characteristics?


What are the five characteristics of a rock that would make it a mineral?

Five physical characteristics of a mineral are: hardness, luster, diaphaneity, colour, and streak.

What is the major difference between mineral characteristics and mineral properties?

you are steank okay

What characteristics make a mineral a gem?

The crystallization

Light reflecting and transmission characteristics of a mineral?

The characteristic of a mineral that reflects light is called luster. Diaphaneity or transparency is the characteristics that allow the transmission of light.

What are the 5 main characteristics of a mineral?

1) solid 2) have crystalline structure 3) have defined homogenous chemical composition 4) naturally occuring 5) inorganic