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core, radative, convection,carona,photosphere,

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Q: What are the 6 layers of the sun from innermost to outermost?
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How many inner electrons are in the element Oxygen?

Oxygen has 2 electrons in the innermost orbital and 6 in the outermost (valence) orbital.

What color are the 6 layers of the sun?

1. The Core : The innermost layer of the sun is the core.2. Solar Envelope: Outside of the core is the radiative envelope, which is surrounded by the convective envelope. The temperature is 4 million kelvins (7 million degrees F).3. Photosphere: It is the zone from which the sunlight we see is emitted. It is a comparatively thin layer of low pressure gasses surrounding the envelope. It is only a few hundred kilometers thick, with a temperature of 6000 K.4. Chromosphere: In an eclipse, a red circle around the outside of the sun can sometimes can be seen. Its red coloring is caused by the abundance of hydrogen.5. Sunspots: They are dark spots on the photosphere.6. Corona: The outermost layer of the sun. Only visible during eclipses, it is a low density cloud of plasma with higher transparency than the inner layers. The white corona is a million times less bright than the inner layers of the sun, but is many times larger.The corona is hotter than some of the inner layers. Its average temperature is 1 million K (2 million degrees F) but in some places it can reach 3 million K (5 million degrees F).

How many layers the sun have?

It has 6 layers which are, from inside towards the surface:-CoreRadiative zoneConvective zonePhotosphereChromosphereCoronaIt also has features which appear in its outer layers:SunspotGranulesProminences

How many electrons does a sulfur have in its outermost shell?

Sulphur has 6 electrons in its outermost shell.

Of electrons in outermost level of sulphur?

Sulfur has 6 electrons in the outermost energy level as its electronic configuration is 2, 8, 6.

What is the inner atmosphere of the sun called?

The Sun's visible outer layer is the photosphere.The corona is the outermost layer around the sun.Other than that, it is a whitish blue layer around the sun which can only be seen during a solar eclipse. The corona extends thousands of kilometres into space. That is because it is a layer of gas boiled off from the sun, barely escaping the core's gravitational pull. It is the hottest layer of the sun's atmosphere with temperatures reaching to about 1 500 000 degrees C.

What is an interesting fact about the sun?

It has over 6 layers, one of which is the corona. You can only see the corona during a total solar eclipse.

How many electrons are in the outermost shell of sulfur?

6 electrons.

Electrons in outermost level of oxygen atom?

6 electrons

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What is the number of electrons in the outermost enegy level of an oxygen atom?


How many electrons does an oxygen atom have in its outermost electron shell?