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Chlorine = Cl Iron = Fe

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Q: What are the correct symbols for the elements chlorine and iron?
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What are the elements in iron chloride?

Iron and Chlorine

What are the elements in FeCI3?

Iron chloride contain iron and chlorine.

What elements are present in salt and Iron filings?

Sodium, chlorine and iron.

Why do the symbols for some elements such iron seem to have no relationship to their name?

The symbols of such elements are based on their Latin names. For example, the symbol Fe for iron comes from the Latin ferrum, meaning iron.

What elements are in ferrous chloride?

Iron and chlorine are the elements that make up ferrous chloride.

What is the composition of ferric chloride?

Ferric chloride contains the elements iron and chlorine.

Do the chemical symbols for elements vary with different languages and alphabets?

No. The chemical symbols for elements are standard across any language. For example Fe = Iron in English as well as in Chinese or Hebrew.

What is the formula for metallic iron?

Elements don't have formula they have symbols, Symbol for iron is Fe. It is derived from iron's Latin name Ferrum.

What elements are in lead chloride?

Lead carbonate, PbCO3, contains iron (Pb), carbon (C), and oxygen (O).

Which elements in the periodic table would sodium like to react with to form a new compound helium argon iron chlorine?

sodium will react chlorine to form sodium chloride

Is iron chloride an element?

No, Iron is an element, and Chlorine is an element, but the two together are just a molecule. Elements are not made up of any other chemical. They are single substances.

Why do the symbols for some elements seem to bear no relationship to the name for the element?

Some symbols are abbreviations for the Latin name for an element. For example, iron is Fe, Latin for "ferrum".