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iron (Fe), sulphur (S), oxygen (O)

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Q: What are the elements that make up iron sulphate?
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Which elements make up Iron Sulphate plus Hydrogen?

Iron sulphate is expressed as FeSO4 and hydrogen is simply H. So to answer your question, iron sulphate plus hydrogen is made up of iron, sulfur, oxygen and hydrogen.

How many elements are in Iron Sulphate?

Two elements, iron and sulpur, make up a molecule of the compound iron sulphide.

What is the compound name of sulphate of iron?

iron sulfate. It can be iron(II) sulfate or iron(III) sulfate.

What is the difference between a mixturre and a compound?

A mixture is a collection of various elements which have not ionically bonded. A compound is when those elements are heated up and join together. Mixture = Iron and Sulphur Compound = Iron Sulphate

What elements make up iron sulphide?

iron and sulfur

What are the two elements that make up iron?

Iron is, itself, and element. It is not a compound of two elements.

What 2 elements make up rust?

Iron and oxygen

What elements make up sulphate?

Magnesium sulfate is composed of the atoms of magnesium, sulfur and oxygen.

What elements make up Fe2O2?

iron & oxygen

What elements make up magnesuium sulphate?

Magnesium sulfate is composed of the atoms of magnesium, sulfur and oxygen.

What is iron sulphate salt used for?

Iron is a magnet so it could be used for separating bits of metal from crushed up rock? True for iron, and separating bits of iron. But iron sulphate is not magnetic.

What elements are found in Iron sulphide?

Iron (Fe) and Sulfur (S) make up Iron Sulfide.