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Crust, roughly 25 mi. Mantle, circa 1,800 mi. Outer core, about 2,260km. Inner core, near 1,220.

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Q: What are the four layers of the earth and how thick is each section?
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What are the 3 major layers of the earth differentiate each?

the three major layers of the earth is troposphere, stratosphere,and mesosphere...

How are the layers of the earth different from one another?

Because there different kind of layers and they each are totally different from each other!

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depends on how thick each layer is to start with Doh!

How thick is each 8 layer of the Earth?

There are five basic layers of the Earth, being the crust, upper mantle, inner mantle, outer core, and inner core. Of these, the lithosphere is composed of the crust and upper mantle, and the asthenosphere is part of the mantle, below the lithosphere.

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How does the density of Earth's crust compare to the other layers?

The crust is the least dense of the Earth's layers. Each layer is denser than the layer above it. This is very logical, since lighter layers float on top of heavier layers.

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There is no interaction of ozone layer with other layers. All of them are independent of each other.

What are the pauses in Earth's atmosphere?

Atmospheric pauses are the dynamic boundaries between each of the earths atmospheric layers. Each pause contains characteristics of both layers in varying concentrations.

Why are the layers of earth important?

Different layers of atmosphere protect us. They do it by blocking the unwanted radiations of the sun.

Are the layers of earth farthest from the crust the newest and youngest layers?

Yes because like sedimentary rocks they stacked on top of each other

How do scientist learn about changes on earth from rocks?

Scientists study layers of rocks to learn about the earth and how it has changed. They know that if layers are undisturbed, the oldest rocks are on the bottom and the youngest rocks are on top. They know how old each layer is in relation to the other layers.

List two of the thermosphere and describe word each begins above Earth's surface?

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