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The four major layers of the Earth are.... the crust were we live, the mantle, outer core and inner core! There are more but these are the major ones like listed.

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First, there's the crust, which is the top-most layer. It's where we have our houses, and trees, and other stuff.

Then, there's the mantle. The mantle is really hot, about 500-4,000 degrees Celsius (depending on how close to the core you are.) It's where most of the magma comes from.

After that, there's the Outer Core. The temperatures here are anywhere from 4,400-6,100 degrees Celsius. The outer core contains iron and nickel, and makes our magnetic field. Without the magnetic field, the atmosphere would go away.

Finally, there's the Inner Core. The Inner Core is solid iron and nickel. It is said to be as hot as the Sun's surface, about 6,000 degrees Celsius.

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