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In a plant, Phloem tissue carries photosynthesis products (sugars e.g. sucrose) from leaves to roots, growing tissue and fruits. But not minerals (these are carried from the roots to the leaves by the Xylem).

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11y ago
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2d ago

The phloem tissue in plants transports sugars, organic compounds, and other nutrients produced by photosynthesis from the leaves to other parts of the plant, such as the roots, stems, and fruits. It plays a crucial role in distributing essential nutrients and energy throughout the plant to support its growth and metabolism.

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9y ago

Phloem is the living tissue in vascular plants. Its main function is to carry organic nutrients from the stems, to the growing tissues and storage tissues.

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11y ago

translocation of food produced by the plant (in the form of sucrose) is the main function. in addition it also transports plant hormones.

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The two types of vascular tissue are xylem and phloem. Xylem is responsible for transporting water and minerals from the roots to the rest of the plant, while phloem transports sugars and other nutrients produced by the plant through photosynthesis to different parts of the plant.

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The tissue that contains sieve tubes is called phloem. Phloem is a vascular tissue in plants that is responsible for transporting sugars, nutrients, and other organic compounds throughout the plant.

What does phloem tissue do?

Phloem tissue is responsible for transporting organic nutrients, such as sugars and amino acids, produced through photosynthesis in the leaves to various parts of the plant for growth and development. It plays a vital role in the distribution of these essential compounds to support the plant's metabolic functions.

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i think it is vascular cambium layer............ :)

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