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A magnet possess the four properties:

-attractive property

-directive property

-like poles repel and unlike poles attract

-poles always exists in pairs

attractive property: if you bring a magnet near iron filings, the iron filing will get attracted to the magnet. this is the attractive property.

directive property:if a magnet is freely suspended by a thread, it will align itself in the north-south direction. this is called the directive property.

like poles repel and unlike poles attract: a bar magnet's north pole is brought near the north pole of another magnet, it is observed that the the two magnets get repelled. if the same north pole is brought near the south pole of another magnet, the two magnets get attracted.

poles always exists in pairs: when a magnet is cut into pieces, it will always have two poles, that is , north and south. even the smallest magnets will have this property. it is called the dipole property.

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Ila Harris

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2y ago
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12y ago

A magnet possess the four properties:

-attractive property

-directive property

-like poles repel and unlike poles attract

-poles always exists in pairs

attractive property: if you bring a magnet near iron filings, the iron filing will get attracted to the magnet. this is the attractive property.

directive property:if a magnet is freely suspended by a thread, it will align itself in the north-south direction. this is called the directive property.

like poles repel and unlike poles attract: a bar magnet's north pole is brought near the north pole of another magnet, it is observed that the the two magnets get repelled. if the same north pole is brought near the south pole of another magnet, the two magnets get attracted.

poles always exists in pairs: when a magnet is cut into pieces, it will always have two poles, that is , north and south. even the smallest magnets will have this property. it is called the dipole property.

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6y ago

The main distinctive property of a magnet is that it is magnetic. This means it will attract other magnets, via a force called the "magnetic force".

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yes that's right