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Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen are the three main elements of organic compounds.

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15y ago
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8y ago

The three most common elements found in organic compounds are carbon, oxygen and hydrogen. Other elements, such as nitrogen, sulfur and phosphorous are also components of organic substances.

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14y ago

Carbon is the only element found in all organic molecules. However, almost all of them also contain hydrogen. Nitrogen and oxygen are both also very common in organic molecules.

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10y ago

Three elements found in all organic compounds are

Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen

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9y ago

Organic compounds are mostly produced in living things. All the organic compounds contain elements of carbon and hydrogen. Most organic compounds contain oxygen too.

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15y ago

Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen

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13y ago

carbon,hydrogen and neon

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13y ago

oxygen, carbon, hydrogen

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13y ago

Oxygen, Hydrogen, and Nitrogen.

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Q: What are three elements that are most often found in organic compounds?
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Why are the halogens not found naturally in the earth's crust as the pure elements?

The halogens are not found naturally in the earth's crust as pure elements because of their extreme reactivity. Because the halogens are close to having completely filled electron shells, they will often react with other substances in order to gain an electron. As an especially noteworthy case, fluorine is the most reactive of the halogens (and elements in general), and will even react with glass. Therefore, the halogens are found naturally as compounds, not pure elements.

Where does organic matter in soil come from?

Organic material in the soil usually comes from decomposed plants or animals that died there. Their nutrients that have built up as they were living get transferred into the soil when they break down.

Fairly reactive metals found as ores?

no because if the metals were reactive then they would react with elements in the air non reactive metals are found in there native state like gold and silver.

Are the compounds often very different from those of the elements that make it up?

Yes. Both oxygen and hydrogen are gases at room temperature, but put them together and you get water.

Does copper have carbon?

No, both copper and carbon are elements. Carbon is the basic element involved in organic chemistry. Copper is a very important element which is used in the pure form in a variety of situations, especially electrical conduction. It is also a good thermal conductor so is commonly used as a "heat sink" to radiate heat away from sensitive electronics. Copper may be combined with carbon in certain compounds, often called "organometallic" compounds but as the question is posed, copper does not contain (have) carbon in it. Good luck, Nitrous

Related questions

3 elements most often found in organic compounds?

Carbon, Oxygen, and Hydrogen.

What are the 3 elements most often found in organic compounds?

Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen with Nitrogen being the 4th.

What are the multiple bonds How are multiple bonds found and why are they most often in those elements?

Organic compounds have frequently double or triple bonds.

What are the the common elements found in organic compounds?

Always C, H and often but not always O and also some other common elements in (bio)organics are N, P, S (not always present)

Organic compounds can have bonds?

Yes, organic compounds can have a variety of bonds including covalent, ionic, and hydrogen bonds. These bonds form between atoms within the organic molecule and can affect its structure and properties.

Is Hydrogen Peroxide organic or inorganic?

Only compounds are classified as organic or inorganic.The element hydrogen often occurs in organic compounds. It can also be found in inorganic compounds.All organic compounds contain the element carbon.

What element is present in organic compound but cannot be found in inorganic compounds?

Carbon. That is why organic chemistry is often called carbon chemistry.

How many organic elements are in the periodic table?

There are five organic elements in the periodic table: carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, and sulfur. These elements are commonly found in organic compounds such as carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids.

Is oxygen found in organic compounds?

Often but not always - e.g. all hydrocarbons DO NOT contain oxygen but sugars do

Oganic chemistry and organic compound?

Organic chemistry deals with compounds of the elements Carbon (C) and Hydrogen (H). These form the main structures of all organic compounds (carbon especially) with additional functional groups of possible other elements attached.Hg is the abbreviation for mercury on the periodic table. The atomic number for mercury is 80.

What names the elements that combine to form a compound?

The chemical name of the compound is often based on the names of the elements that are part of it. However, for many simple organic compounds it is not possible to determine the component elements.

Is organic chemistry the study of all elements?

No, organic chemistry is the study of carbon compounds and their reactions. It primarily focuses on carbon-containing compounds, although some other elements like hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and halogens are also often involved. Inorganic chemistry, on the other hand, deals with the study of all other elements and their compounds.