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The Three major gases that trap heat are: CO2(carbon di-oxide),H2O(water vapour) and CH4(Methane).

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Q: What are the three major gases that trap heat?
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Which of the Major gases traps heat?

Heat trapping gases absorb infrared radiation. Three of the major gases that trap heat are carbon dioxide, water vapor and methane.

What name is given to gases which trap heat from the sun?

They are generally called Greenhouses gases, as greenhouses trap heat into the glass.

What is the name given to gases that trap heat and cause global warming?

The name given to gases that trap heat and cause global warming is Greenhouse gases.

What do greenhouses gases trap?

Greenhouse gases trap infrared heat (from the sun) rising from the surface of the earth. More greenhouse gases trap more heat, and this is the situation now. Increasing levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) in particular are trapping more heat and causing a global warming.

Do greenhouse gases trap heat near the earth's surface?

Yes, greenhouse gases trap heat in the troposphere, which is the lowest layer of the earth's atmosphere.

What are three ways to heat the earth?

move it closer to the sun increase cloud cover to trap heat and greenhouse gases get rid of ozone layer!

What are the functions and actions of greenhouse gases?

To trap heat. The functions of greenhouse gases are to absorb heat from sunlight and trap it in the atmosphere to warm the Earth and melt the ice caps.

Is the sun involved in the greenhouse gases?

Yes. The greenhouse gases trap the sun's heat.

What is the process in which gases trap heat in the atmosphere?

The greenhouse effect

What greenhouse effect is?

gases in the atmosphere trap the heat from the sun

The process by which gases hold heat in the atmosphere is called the what?

The Greenhouse Effect. It happens when Greenhouse Gases (CO2) thicken the atmosphere and trap heat.

Why is venus hot than mercury?

Because Venus is global warming x1000 the gases caused by the volcanoes and lava flows trap Heat in