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1mo ago

The two main types of glacial drift are till and moraine. Till refers to the mixture of sediments deposited directly by the ice, while moraine refers to the accumulation of till along the edges or underneath a glacier.

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Q: What are the two main types of glacial drift?
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What are the two types of glacial drift are?

The two types of glacial drift are till, which is unsorted sediment deposited directly by the ice, and stratified drift, which is sorted sediment deposited by glacial meltwater.

Describe the various types of glacial moraines?

The main types of glacial moraines include lateral moraines, which form along the sides of glaciers; medial moraines, which form when two glaciers merge and their lateral moraines combine; terminal moraines, which mark the furthest advance of a glacier; and ground moraines, which form when glaciers retreat and deposit material over the landscape. Each type of moraine provides evidence of past glacier activity.

What are two types of glacial erosion?

Two types of glacial erosion are plucking, where rocks and sediments are plucked from the bedrock by the moving glacier, and abrasion, where the glacier's movement causes it to scrape and polish the underlying bedrock.

What are two types of climate clues that support the continental drift hypotheis?

Fossil evidence of plants and animals that were once distributed across continents and matching geological formations such as mountain ranges or rock layers on different continents provide clues supporting the continental drift hypothesis. Additionally, evidence of past climates, such as ancient glacial deposits in regions that are now far from the poles, further support the idea of continental drift.

What are the two types of glacial movement?

The two types of glacial movement are basal sliding, which occurs when the entire glacier slides over the bedrock due to meltwater lubrication, and internal deformation, which involves the ice deforming and flowing like a viscous fluid under its own weight.

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What are the two types of glacial drift are?

The two types of glacial drift are till, which is unsorted sediment deposited directly by the ice, and stratified drift, which is sorted sediment deposited by glacial meltwater.

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Describe the various types of glacial moraines?

The main types of glacial moraines include lateral moraines, which form along the sides of glaciers; medial moraines, which form when two glaciers merge and their lateral moraines combine; terminal moraines, which mark the furthest advance of a glacier; and ground moraines, which form when glaciers retreat and deposit material over the landscape. Each type of moraine provides evidence of past glacier activity.

What are two types of glacial erosion?

Two types of glacial erosion are plucking, where rocks and sediments are plucked from the bedrock by the moving glacier, and abrasion, where the glacier's movement causes it to scrape and polish the underlying bedrock.

What are two typyes of glacial deposits?

Two types of glacial deposits are moraines, which are formations of mixed sediment pushed by and deposited from a glacier, and drumlins, which are elongated hills made of glacial till that form parallel to the direction of ice flow.

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What are two types of climate clues that support the continental drift hypotheis?

Fossil evidence of plants and animals that were once distributed across continents and matching geological formations such as mountain ranges or rock layers on different continents provide clues supporting the continental drift hypothesis. Additionally, evidence of past climates, such as ancient glacial deposits in regions that are now far from the poles, further support the idea of continental drift.

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What are the two types of glacial movement?

The two types of glacial movement are basal sliding, which occurs when the entire glacier slides over the bedrock due to meltwater lubrication, and internal deformation, which involves the ice deforming and flowing like a viscous fluid under its own weight.