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pollen, ash from fire and ash from fire.

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Q: What are three natural sources of air pollution?
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When the atmosphere is contaminated by pollutant from human and natural sources it is called?

primary pollution

What is air poution?

Air pollution is virtually anything that isn't nitrogen, oxygen or water vapor. It can come from natural sources or human sources.

Are volcanic gases natural sources of air pollution?

Yes because volcanic gases release a gas that is harmful and basically started air pollution.

Which sources of air pollution occur naturally and which are caused by humans?

Natural sources of air pollution include: Volcanic Ash Forest Fires Caused by Humans: Factory Smoke Vehicle Exhaust

What three technologies that can help reduce air pollution?

As energy is the main source of air pollution, pollution free sources of energy can help. Thus, solar, wind, and hydroelectric technologies can help.

What is the 2 main Sources of air pollution?

The two main sources of air pollution are the toxins released from factories and automobiles.

What kind of pollution comes from track able sources?

The kind of pollution comes from track able sources is usually trash pollution in the water. Air pollution and fossil fuel pollution are also track able sources.

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What is the 2 main sources of air pollution and what action the government take to reduce this types of air pollution?

The two main sources of air pollution are:Anthropogenic sources or also known as human activity--- Like nuclear weapons, toxic gases, germ ware fare and rocketry (gas from rockets).Natural sources---Like smoke and carbon monoxide from wild fires in the forests.What the Singapore government has done about it:For human activities, they have tried to stop people from using their own cars and use public transport instead.But for natural sources, I do not know yet. Sorry.

What are the sources and effects of lead in air pollution?

This is called Ozone because Ozone is harmfull and so is air pollution

Sources of air pollution includes?

transport or industries

What is the Air pollution statement?

air pollution is caused by many things and it can be solved by people using more natural resources, which result in air pollution