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  1. Sea levels will rise because of melting glaciers and thermal ocean expansion. This will flood many low lying countries and cities.
  2. The habitats of many species, including human, will become unliveable because of heat waves, crop failure and famine. If the species cannot adapt or move, they will not survive.
  3. Weather will become more unpredictable with climate change causing more severe and dangerous storms.
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10y ago
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1mo ago
  1. Increase in global temperatures, leading to more frequent and intense heatwaves.
  2. Rising sea levels as polar ice caps and glaciers melt, increasing the risk of coastal flooding.
  3. Changes in weather patterns, resulting in more extreme weather events such as hurricanes, droughts, and heavy rainfall.
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13y ago

Scientists predict temperatures will rise over the course of the twenty first century by between 1.1 and 6.4 degrees celsius, depending in part on the extent to which humans choose to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. They are also concerned because the sea level rise, predicted to result from melting glacial ice and from sea water expansion, is between 0.9 and 1.5 metres over the same period. They anticipate disastrous climate change, with new drought and flood patterns as well as more frequent and intense storm activity. This will not only have a serious economic impact, but also cause ecological damage.

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13y ago

the earth will be hot.

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Q: What are three things that scientists say will happen due to global warming?
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Does a hurricane cause global warming?

No, Hurricane Katrina caused flooding and terrible damage to humans and property, but it did not cause global warming. Global warming is caused among other things by man burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) and putting greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

Is greenhouse effect is the other name of global warming?

No, the greenhouse effect and global warming are related but not the same. The greenhouse effect is a natural process that traps heat in the Earth's atmosphere, while global warming refers to the increase in Earth's average surface temperature due to human activities like burning fossil fuels, which enhance the greenhouse effect.

What are one of the small things that cause global warming?

One small thing that contributes to global warming is the use of single-use plastics, which release greenhouse gases when they are produced and when they degrade.

Is there any evidence that global warming is responsible for melting the worlds glaciers?

Yes, there is strong scientific evidence showing that global warming is a major factor contributing to the accelerated melting of glaciers around the world. Increasing global temperatures lead to overall ice mass loss in glaciers and ice caps, which can ultimately contribute to rising sea levels. This phenomenon is supported by long-term observations, models, and research on glacial retreat.

What is an example of similes about global warming?

Global Warming is like death. To some degree, we could prevent it, but it will eventually happen anyway.Global warming is as terrifying as flooding is, because both are terrible things that occur in the earth that harm the earth.Global Warming is as popular a subject as the president. They are both brought up in a lot of conversations randomly, and people see different side of arguments about them.

Related questions

Why are people inventing things that cause pollution for global warming to happen?

Because the things they invent are the daily needs of people. And anyways, In my opinion... global warming is GOING to happen, No questions asked (:

What r the things that affect earth?

global warming

What are two things you can reduce?

pollution and Global Warming

What is the difference in global warming and global jihad?

global warming is an environmental phenomenon and Jihad is holy war. So there is no relation between them.

Effects of global warming and how to combat it?

-Result in some living things not being able to adapt to these changes which will hasten species extinction lots will happen

Who are the victims of global warming?

All living things will be the victims!

What is the major concerns of science?

Science deals with a number of problems on a daily basis. Solutions to animal extinction, global warming, GMOs and other things are what scientists struggle to deal with.

Reaction of many to global warming?

Well I think that global warming is really scary for people. Because people can't really do things. Do to global warming so they have to try and stop it before it gets worse.Mostly hysterical.

How has global warming caused changes in living and non-living system in the last 100 years?

It may have but if you look up Global warming you might find lots of things about,Global Warm

What is called global warming?

Global warming is the slow, steady increase in global temperatures. It is caused by increased levels in carbon dioxide and other pollutants caused by things like factories, and transportation.

Does a hurricane cause global warming?

No, Hurricane Katrina caused flooding and terrible damage to humans and property, but it did not cause global warming. Global warming is caused among other things by man burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) and putting greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

What is the overall rise in earth's average temperature called?

The rise in temperature is called Global Warming. This global warming of the earth is causing Climate Change. These two things are not the same thing.