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Q: What area in the world is an example of plate collision?
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Which area in the world is an example of plate collision?

Appalachian Mountains

What type of plate collision is producing the Himalayas?

The Himalayas are found at a convergent plate boundary also known as a subduction zone where one plate slips under the other driving the land mass up.

What are the three types of tectonic plate interactions?

The major types of plate tectonic boundaries are:Divergent Plate Boundary: The area where two plates are moving in relatively opposite directions and new crustal material is being created. Examples would be the mid-ocean ridges, and the East African Rift.Convergent Plate Boundary: The area where two tectonic plates are moving toward each other and one of two things happens; either the more dense plate subducts under the lighter plate and heads toward the mantle, or, if the plates are of similar density, they cause uplift and mountain forming events. Examples would be the oceanic to continental crustal collision creating the Andes Mountains, and the continental to continental crustal collision creating the Himalayan Mountains.Transform Plate Boundary: The area where two plates are grinding past each other, snapping into place from elastic rebound as they go, causing numerous earthquakes. The San Andreas Fault is an example of a transform plate boundary between the North American and Pacific plates.

What is the area where the US touches the Pacific Ocean an example of?

A coastline. a destructive plate margin.

How does surface area affect collision rate?

Surface area affects collision rate because the larger the surface area the more air resistance is acting on it, therefor a larger surface area can slow down collision rate.

What type of structure has formed where the Jaun de Fuca plate is subducting beneath the North American plate?

The Nazca Plate and the South American Plate are colliding. Because oceanic plates like the Nazca are more dense than continental plates, they are forced below the continental plate and subduct, or flow downward into the mantle at varying degrees of descent from the area of collision!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What are the three types of tectonic plates?

The major types of plate tectonic boundaries are:Divergent Plate Boundary: The area where two plates are moving in relatively opposite directions and new crustal material is being created. Examples would be the mid-ocean ridges, and the East African Rift.Convergent Plate Boundary: The area where two tectonic plates are moving toward each other and one of two things happens; either the more dense plate subducts under the lighter plate and heads toward the mantle, or, if the plates are of similar density, they cause uplift and mountain forming events. Examples would be the oceanic to continental crustal collision creating the Andes Mountains, and the continental to continental crustal collision creating the Himalayan Mountains.Transform Plate Boundary: The area where two plates are grinding past each other, snapping into place from elastic rebound as they go, causing numerous earthquakes. The San Andreas Fault is an example of a transform plate boundary between the North American and Pacific plates.

What are the three types of boundaries formed by tectonic plate movement?

Divergent Plate Boundary: The area where two plates are moving in relatively opposite directions and new crustal material is being created. Examples would be the mid-ocean ridges and the East African Rift.Convergent Plate Boundary: The area where two tectonic plates are moving toward each other and one of two things happens; either the more dense plate subducts under the lighter plate and heads toward the mantle, or, if the plates are of similar density, they cause uplift and mountain forming events. Examples would be the oceanic to continental crustal collision creating the Andes Mountains, and the continental to continental crustal collision creating the Himalayan Mountains.Transform Plate Boundary: The area where two plates are grinding past each other, snapping into place from elastic rebound as they go, causing numerous earthquakes. The San Andreas Fault is an example of a transform plate boundary between the North American and Pacific plates.

What is the type of tectonic plate boundary that forms from a collision between two tectonic plates?

Volcanic mountains over hot spots in the mantle. Fault-block

Find the surface area of a plate?

surface area of glass plate

What motion of tectonic plates produce constant plate motion?

The major types of plate tectonic boundaries are:Divergent Plate Boundary: The area where two plates are moving in relatively opposite directions and new crustal material is being created. Examples would be the mid-ocean ridges, and the East African Rift.Convergent Plate Boundary: The area where two tectonic plates are moving toward each other and one of two things happens; either the more dense plate subjects under the lighter plate and heads toward the mantle, or, if the plates are of similar density, they cause uplift and mountain forming events. Examples would be the oceanic to continental crustal collision creating the Andes Mountains, and the continental to continental crustal collision creating the Himalayan Mountains.Transform Plate Boundary: The area where two plates are grinding past each other, snapping into place from elastic rebound as they go, causing numerous earthquakes. The San Andreas Fault is an example of a transform plate boundary between the North American and Pacific plates.

Where is the best place to receive collision repair?

Best in Show Collision Repair and Maaco Auto Body Shop and Collision Repair have the highest ranks in collision repair. If either are in your area, you may want to check them out.