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The Exosphere is the layer in the atmosphere that is closest to outer space.

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14y ago

The exosphere is the outermost layer of Earth's atmosphere, extending outward almost 10,000 kilometers.

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Q: What atmospheric layer that extends to space?
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What atmospheric layer meets with outer space?

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What is the atmosphere layer above the troposphere?

stratosphereThe atmospheric layer above the troposphere is the stratosphere. It extends to about 30-35 miles above the earth's surface, and is the most stable layer.

What is in atmospheric layers?

The coldest layer of the atmosphere is the exosphere (space). If you were to not count the exosphere, the coldest layer would be the mesosphere.

Is the stratosphere outter space?

It's only a layer of atmosphere. It's not space yet.

Which is the highest layer of atmospherefrom the earth's surface?

Excluding the magnetic layer, this would be the exosphere, since it extends all the way to space.

The stratosphere is the atmospheric layer above the?

The stratosphere is right above the troposphere, which is what we live in. The ozone layer exists within the stratosphere. It extends up to about 50km above the surface.

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Which layer of the atmosphere contains no air?

The exosphere, which is Earth's outermost atmospheric layer, contains very few (atmospheric) molecules. It is the last thing separating us and "space" as we know it.

What is mesoshere?

mesosphere is a layer of the atmosphere is the third layer of atmosphere. It lies above the extends up to the height of 80 km. Meteorites burn up in this layer on entering from the space.

What atmospheric layer is farthest from the lithosphere?

The Exosphere is the atmospheric layer the farthest distance from the lithosphere.