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A Nitrogen atom shows the most similar properties to an Oxygen atom.

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Q: What atom shows similar properties to oxygen?
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An atom the would show very similar properties to oxygen?

I don't know. I'm asking YOU that question.

What is the smallest particle of an element that still has the same chemical properties?

The smallest particle of matter that keeps all the same properties of oxygen is an oxygen atom. If you mean oxygen gas, O2, then it would be a molecule of two oxygen atoms covalently bonded.

What are properties of an atom of oxygen?

oxygen typically has 8 neutrons and 8 protons and it has 8 electrons

Why is sulfur atom similar to oxygen atom?

Because it has 6 electrons in its outer shell, just like oxygen.

What are the structural differences normal atmospheric oxygen and ozone molecules?

Ozone and oxygen are a bit similar. Ozone is a 3 atom and oxygen is 2 atom.

What is the smallest unit showing properties of the element Protons and Neutrons in nucleus?

The smallest unit that shows the properties of an element is an atom, and yes, an atom has protons and neutrons in the nucleus.

Where on a periodic table is one atom that has similar properties of sodium?

The atom right under it and in sodiums family; potassium.

Which Lewis dot diagram shows an atom that needs 2 or more electrons in its outermost shell?

It is oxygen group elements

Why does an isotope have the same chemical properties as a typical atom?

Almost all the chemical properties of an atom are determined by the valence shell electrons or in general, by the no of electrons present in the atom. Since in an isotope and a general atom, no. of electrons is same, therefore they have similar chemical properties. Isotopes differ in atomic mass only and that is due to extra neutrons.

How many atoms of oxygen can be found in a hydronium molecule?

One: The formula for hydronium is H3O+1, which shows only one oxygen atom.

Different isotopes of an atom retain the properties of the atom?

Yes, different isotopes of an atom retain the properties of the atom.

How salts dissolve in water?

A water molecule is formed up by 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom. Due to their non-metal properties, the bond that formed between them is considered as covalent bond, which enables them to share their octet electron and achieve stability. Both hydrogen and oxygen atoms are negativly charges, however, the oxygen shows it electronegativity higher than the hydrogen atom. Thus the hydrogen atoms will be atttrated towards the oxygen and this create a slight change in their charges. The oxygen shows electronegativity whereas the hydrogen shows a slight electropositivity. When the salt(sodium chloride) approaches the water molecule, sodium ions (Na+) will be attracted to the hydrogen atoms whereas the chlorine ion (Cl -) will be attracted to the oxygen atom. Thus, the sodium chloride is being decomposed and dissloved.