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It has calcium, carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.

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Q: What atoms does calcium acetate have?
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Is magnesium acetate a calcium compound?

No. In order to be a calcium compound, it must have calcium in it. Magnesium Acetate is made up of magnesium, carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms. Acetate is an ion with the chemical formula, C2H2O2 (technically CH2COO- due to the fact that it's a carboxylate), two carbon, two hydrogen and two oxygen atoms. So no, there is no calcium atoms present.

How many oxygen atoms are there in the formula for the compound calcium acetate?


What is the chemical name for Ca(C2H3O2)2?

calcium acetatecalcium acetate


Of course, calcium acetate is a molecule.The chemical formula of calcium acetate is (CH3COO)2Ca.

Does calcium carbonate contain calcium acetate?

No. Calcium carbonate and calcium acetate are two different compounds.

How do you prepare ethyl methyl ketone from calcium acetate?

. Arry out dry distillation of calcium acetate with calcium propanoate vaibhav khanolkar

What is the molar mass of calcium acetate?

The molar mass of calcium acetate is approximately 142 g/mol.

Is calcium acetate covalent or ionic?

The acetate groups are comprised of covalent bonds, but they are ionically bonded with the calcium.

What is the graph for calcium acetate monohydrate in differential thermal analyss?

draw the graph for calcium acetate monohydrate in differential thermal analyss?

What is the formula mass for calcium acetate?

The formula mass of calcium acetate, CaC4H6O4, is 158.17g.mol−1

How many atoms are in calcium acetate?

The chemical formula for the ionic compound calcium acetate is Ca(C2H3O2)2. The subscripts for each element indicate the number of atoms of that element. The absence of a subscript is understood to mean one atom. The two outside the parentheses means that the number of atoms of each element inside the parentheses is multiplied times two. So, in one formula unit of calcium acetate, there are fifteen atoms; one of calcium, four of carbon, six of hydrogen, and four of oxygen.

What is the formula for strontiym acetate?

Hence its acetate formula should be similar to calcium acetate [CH3COO]2 Ca strontium acetate is [CH3COO]2Sr.