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Q: What biome changes drastically from summer to winter?
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How many seasons are in the tropical rain forest?

There are two major seasons; Summer and Winter. "Fall" or "Autumn" doesn't occur in a tropical rain forest biome as noticeably, due to the small differences between Winter and Summer-because the only noticeable difference is whether it is wet or dry. Because the treetops block most incoming sunlight, the temperature tends to not vary as it does in wide open fields or such. Because the plants don't have a specific "growing season" there isn't a noticeable "Spring" either.

Seasonal changes in the taiga?

The taiga is a forested biome characterized by very long, cold winters. It has a short, slightly warmer spring and a short, relatively cool summer. These seasons are when plants and animals reproduce, which they must do quickly because the taiga has a very short fall and then goes right back into a cold, snowy winter.

What is a continental biome?

A continental biome is a biome located on land. A biome is a fairly large area of land or sea floor that has the same animal species, vegetation, and climate. An example of a continental biome would be the desert.

Which biome has cold long winters and short mild summer?

Taiga is the largest continental biome. It experiences long, cold winters; short, mild summers; and low precipitation. It is characterized by coniferous forests. Taiga covers most of Canada and Siberia. Taiga is not found in the Southern Hemisphere.

What is earth's largest land biome?

The largest LAND BIOME (not the largest biome on Earth) is the taiga.

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