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hydro-carbon fuels

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Q: What burns and gives off water and carbon dioxide?
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When a candle burns it gives off carbon dioxide and?

WATER! H2O it is a combustion reaction and every combustion reaction produces carbon dioxide and water

How is carbon dioxide formed when petrol burns?

petrol consists of carbon and hydrogen, when it burns it produces carbon dioxide and water if complete combustion occurs

What happens when ethene burns what is let out?

Combustion of ethene produces carbon dioxide and water.

Which will not form water and carbon dioxide when it burns?


When methane burns carbon dioxide and water are formed The mass of carbon dioxide plus the mass of water equal the mass of the methane plus the mass of OXYGEN?

When methane burns, the carbon dioxide and water formed, equal the mass of the methane plus the mass of the oxygen.

What compounds are formed when nicotine burns in air?

carbon dioxide water

What two chemicals are produced when a fuel burns?

Carbon dioxide and water.

When a candle burns what is the most prevalent products are what?

carbon dioxide and water

What burns to form carbon dioxide and water 3 letters?


What is produced when a fuel burns?

It depends on the fuel and how well it burns. For example, methane, ethane, propane, butane, petrol, ethanol, sugar, etc. will give water & carbon dioxide if burnt fully; however, imperfect burning can produce carbon monoxide or carbon. Burning hydrogen, on the other hand, produces water.

What mixtures produce carbon dioxide?

Acid+Carbonate gives salt+Carbon dioxide+ water

Does the hydrogen on methane go when it becomes carbon dioxide?

Methane burns in oxygen and gets oxidised. Carbon is oxidised to carbon dioxide, hydrogen to water.