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The age layers of rocks.

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Q: What can the law of superposition determine?
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Does the law of superposition helps geologist determine the absoloute age of a rock layer?

no, the relative age

What is the law of superposition and how does it help scientists learn about earth's past?

Determine the age of the layers of rocks

What is a good sentence for law of superposition?

the law of superposition is the three group names

How do you determine the sequence of events in rock layers?

By the law of superposition: Oldest at the bottom and youngest at the top.

How the law of superposition helps paleontologist?

Superposition is the methodology of younger sediments being deposited over older rocks. Paleontologists can determine the evolution or extinction of a species by looking at what fossils are either present or absent in a particular sedimentary layer.

What are the guidelines used to determine the relative age of a rocks and events shown by a geologic cross-section?

The guidelines used to determine the relative ages of the rocks and events shown by a geologic cross-section is the Law of Superposition. It is the basic law of geochronology.

Can you use Law of Superposition in a sentence?

According to the Law of Superposition, any sequence of rocks in layers, undisturbed, youngest on top, oldest at bottom

What type of rock is Law of superposition?


By applying the law of superposition what dates can be determined?


What is the law of superposition and why is it essential to our interpretation of earths history?

The Law of Superposition states that the oldest layer is at the bottom and the youngest at the top. Therefor, what is new builds upon what is preexisting.

The law that states that rock layers closest to the surface are the youngest rock is the?

This is the law of original horizontality. It is often used in support of evolution as it shows the age of different types of species.

Applying the law of superposition dates can be determined?

By applying the law of superposition, relative dates can be determined. This law states that in any undisturbed sequence of rocks deposited in layers, the youngest layer is on top and the oldest is on the bottom.