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In the atmosphere, warm surfaces can heat the air above them. High pressure in the atmosphere is what causes the air to rapidly heat.

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Lightning causes atmospheric air to be rapidly heated.

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Q: What causes atmospheric air to be rapidly heated?
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Causes atmospheric air to be rapidly heated?

There are a few causes that lead to atmospheric air to be rapidly heated. Having a fire burning will lead to rapidly heated atmospheric air.

Does warm air take up more space?

yes, as the particles of air are heated, it moves more rapidly, which causes it to expand

Why are rapidly dropping temperatures are accompanied by rising barometer?

As air becomes cooler, it becomes more dense. As the air become more dense (heavy), it causes the barometer to rise.

What causes air flow into an engine?

Atmospheric pressure

What causes atmospheric pressure?

Amospheric pressure is caused by the weight of air molecules above it. As elevation increases, fewer air molecules are present. Therefore, atmospheric pressure always decreases with increasing height.

What atmospheric conditions are necessary for both thunderstorms and hurricanes?

Warm, moist air that rapidly rises.

Is holmium explosive?

No, Holmium is stable in dry air at room temperature but is rapidly oxidized in moist air or when heated.

What is the optical illusion caused by atmospheric conditions?

A mirage is an optical illusion which is caused by atmospheric conditions. This is often due to the refraction of light from the sky by heated air.

How does Coriolis effect change atmospheric circulation?

It causes rotation of air masses.

How does air being heated affect the air pressure?

When air is heated the particles become excited and move and bounce off of surfaces causes pressure on it's container.

What are two causes of wind?

Differences of atmospheric pressures or differences of temperatures of adjacent air masses.

What causes substances when heated to splatter?

When the substance is too hot it causes air bubbles or moisture pockets to burst and it splatters.