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the continental plates are caused when silicon,silica and dioxid combined together making the plates split and then it causes the plates to move.

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Q: What causes continental plates to move?
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What causes the continents and the earth's major plates to move?

continental drift

What causes the Continental and oceani plates to move?

The tectonic plates move because of the great amount of liquid rock, or magma that they 'float' on and get pushed by.

Why do oceanic plates move under continental plates when the two collide?

Oceanic plates move under continental plates when they converge together because the oceanic plate is more denser than the continental plate.

What is it called when two lithospheric plates move apart?

Continental Plates

What process causes earthquakes and continental drift?

The plates run into each other to make earthquakes. The plate tectonics move around and move the continents sitting on them with it.

What process causes earths plates to move?

The process of 'earth plates moving' is Alfred Wageners theory of continental drift. This theory proposes that convenction currents in the earths mantle provides a 'cushion' on which the plates can move.

When two continental plates move apart?


What happens in a continental plate?

the plates move apart

What causes oceanic and continental plates to move?

What causes the oceanic and continental plates to move is the mantle, which is the layer right beneath the crust. The mantle is not totally solid, so it moves, but very slowly that we can't even recognize the move.FUN FACT: Each year north america and europe are apart from each other for another 2 inches.Hope I was helpful. :)

What are tectonicsplates?

Tectonic plates.Tectonic plates are plates underneath Earth's surface that move very slowly. There are oceanic and continental plates. Of course, oceanic plates are plates under the ocean, and continental plates are plates underneath ground, or continents. Each of the plates carry the things above them, land or ocean. When two continental or oceanic plates collide, it causes a fold in Earth's surface, and an earthquake. Now, when a continental plate draws near and nearly collides with an oceanic plate, something called subduction occurs. Subduction is basically when the oceanic plate dips down below the continental plate, causing a trench.

Do continental plates move faster than oceanic plates?

No, oceanic plates move faster than continental plates. This is due to the density of the oceanic plates (basalt is denser). For example, the fastest moving plates are the Pacific plate, Cocos plate, and Nazca plate. All oceanic.

Collision of a continental and oceanic plate causes this in the plates?
