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the amount of water in clouds

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Rainfall is influenced by various factors such as topography, wind patterns, and air masses. Sometimes, rain clouds may be localized to a specific area due to differences in temperature or moisture content. This can result in one area receiving rain while another area nearby remains dry.

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Q: What causes it to rain in one area and no rain down the road?
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The road is most slippery A. after a long rain. B. when it is new. C. during the first half hour of the rain.?

The road is most slippery during the first half hour of the rain (C) because the rain mixes with the oil and dirt on the road, making it more hazardous for driving. After a long rain (A), the water washes away some of the oil and dirt, reducing the slipperiness of the road. A new road (B) typically has better traction due to the roughness of the surface.

What is the area of Kilmersdon Road Quarry?

The area of Kilmersdon Road Quarry is approximately 4.5 hectares.

How is precipitation dangerous?

Excessive precipitation can lead to flooding, which can damage buildings, infrastructure, and cause loss of life. Intense precipitation can also result in landslides, mudflows, and avalanches in mountainous regions, posing risks to communities living in those areas. Additionally, prolonged heavy precipitation can saturate the soil and increase the risk of sinkholes forming.

Is sun better than rain?

Both sun and rain are important for different reasons. The sun provides warmth and energy for plants to grow, while rain is essential for watering and nourishing them. They both play a vital role in the ecosystem and are needed in balance for a healthy environment.

The danger of reduced traction is greatest?

The danger of reduced traction is greatest during inclement weather conditions such as rain, snow, or ice. Reduced traction can lead to decreased vehicle control, longer stopping distances, and an increased risk of skidding or sliding. It is important to adjust your driving behavior and slow down to account for reduced traction in these situations.

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What causes a 2001 Lincoln ls to run hot?

What causes 2001 to run hot while going down the road

What causes a vehicle to stall while driving down the road?

For starters change the fuel filter

What is real flood?

Localised flooding is when heavy rain causes a stream to overflow in a dip in the road, making travel over the dip difficult or impossible. Therefore, a real flood is (I suspect) a large area of a river's flood plain to be covered in water making travel impossible over a wide area.

When is rain covered-road most slippery?

The first few minutes of the rain are the most dangerous. The rain causes the oils and contaminants in the road to lift to the surface. You are not only driving on water, but water mixed with these oils. well... when covered by a film of liquid sufficient enough to reduce the coefficient ecstatic friction between the tyre and the road to essentially zero, but not so deep as to introduce a new source of friction

Why does oil on the road make rainbows in a rain puddle?

Oil on the road creates rainbow patterns in rain puddles because of thin film interference. When light hits the oil slick, it reflects off both the top of the oil and the road's surface. The varying thickness of the oil causes interference, resulting in the colorful patterns seen in the puddle.

How does road salt get into groundwater?

The salt dissolves which causes it to evaporate then it melts down and it becomes in the ground, which is in the groundwater.

The road is most slippery A. after a long rain. B. when it is new. C. during the first half hour of the rain.?

The road is most slippery during the first half hour of the rain (C) because the rain mixes with the oil and dirt on the road, making it more hazardous for driving. After a long rain (A), the water washes away some of the oil and dirt, reducing the slipperiness of the road. A new road (B) typically has better traction due to the roughness of the surface.

Does rain have any dangers?

Yes. Excessive rain can lead to flooding which, worldwide, is one of the most common causes of weather-related death. In areas with steep slopes too much rain can trigger landslides. Heavy rain reduces visibility, and it is possible to lose traction on a wet road, which can make driving dangerous.

When is the road most slippery due to rain?

it's when it begins to rain. When it sprinkles!

What form of energy causes cracks in the road?

Thermal energy from the sun causes cracks in the road through a process called thermal expansion and contraction. When the road surface heats up, it expands, and when it cools down, it contracts. This repeated expansion and contraction over time can lead to cracks forming.

How can you use torrential in a sentence?

Torrential rain outside the windows of the flat.

Is there water on the road in the rain?

Um, yes. When it rains the road is usually wet.