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clay or a certain dirt.

No not clay or certain dirt at all- Soil is red because of the same compound that causes rust to be red, oxidised iron (most common formula- Fe2O3). If the soil has nutrients like Iron and other elements that oxidise it will be dark. A soil with just Iron and not many other nutrients will usually be a lighter red.

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Q: What causes soil to be a reddish color?
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It is a yellowish reddish color follow me on twitter @omg_itslexi

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The element iron (Fe) in the soil which form oxides of iron (rust) which are reddish-orange colored.

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The iron in the soil on Mars gives the planet its red color.

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because iron in the soil gives it a reddish color

How does soil develop a reddish colour?

Reddish soil is caused by rusting iron particles in the soil.

Where does all the reddish color of Mars comes from all the in its soil.?

Well, the color always depends on the atmosphere. For example, Mars surface is a reddish color because, Mars has no oxegen and it is colser to the sun witch makes it red.