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Because of it's location,where sun rays can't melt the ice and rise the temperature. Hugo is gay

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Q: What causes the polar climate to be so cold?
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Why do polar bears eat so much?

Polar Bears have an extremely high calorie output. The cold climate also makes high food intake essential.

What are the seasonal patterns of weather and climate in polar regions?

well, in the polar regions, it hardly ever gets warm so you could say that cold temperatures is one pattern that would be in polar regions

What is the better place to live - in polar climate or tropical climate?

Well they are called polar bears and I am an animal expert so I would say the polar climate is a better place for a polar bear to live

What is a maritime polar front?

maritime- moist polar- cold... so it would be moist and cold weather fronts

What is the answer to the riddle Can a Polar Bear go on a Safari?

i would say no because they are used to the cold climate so no

Is polar climate colder than subarctic climate?

the subarctic is colder than the tundra

What is a metaphor for polar bear?

you love the cold so much, you could be a polar bear

What latitude zone has the coldest climate?

Antarctica would be an obvious answer but the top of Mount Everest seems a more likely place as it has no penguins or polar bears cos its so cold especially with wind chill.

Hyperboles that have to do with it being cold outside?

It was so cold, the polar bears were decked out in fur coats

Why is there so much moss in polar regions?

because there its cold and snowy

What is Albertas climate like?

the climate in Alberta so cool in the summer and in the winter it can be as cold as 15degres

What is the climate like in Washington?

it is so cold and hot it depends