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it comes in contact with air

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Q: What causes the surface of sodium of pottasium to go dull when it is cut?
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Why does the surface of sodium go dull if you cut it?

it goes dark because it reacts with the air.

Is copper dull on the surface?

After my opinion the fresh surface of copper is not dull.

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Why is a freshly cut piece of sodium's surface shiny?

Sodium in its natural state is shiny, like most metals. When sodium interacts with oxygen in the air, it become sodium oxide, which is much more dull. As a result, when you cut into a piece of sodium, you reveal a brand new part of the sodium that has not yet become sodium oxide and is still shiny.

What happens when you cut sodium or potassium?

When you cut the likes of sodium or potassium it leaves a shiny surface which will quickly turn dull as they react with Oxygen in the air. To prevent them reacting with any of the air, these elements are usually kept in oil.

Why does sodium tarnish then go dull?

reacts with air

Would you expect a dull or shiny surface to be a better absorber?

Dull surface is a better absorber. A shiny surface would better reflect than absorb.

Is sulphur dull or shiny?

Sodium is shiny, but it reacts very quickly with oxygen in the air to form lithium oxide, which is a dull black color.

What is a dull surface called?


Which is the best absorber of inferared radiation heat a dull surface or a shiny one?

A dull surface will absorb infrared best, but it needs to be dull at infrared wavelengths. Do not judge the infrared behavior by the visible performance.

Why is it when you cut s piece of sodium metal the shiny metal soon goes dull?

because soduim turns metals dull

Why does a piece of sodium metal cut with a knife soon go dull?

have no idea