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When a lightning discharge occurs, the air is heated greatly by the amount of voltage that discharged through the air (approx 100 million volts). The air expands and explodes at the speed of sound, creating thunder.

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Q: What characteristic of a lightning discharge causes thunder?
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Does thunder cause lightning or does lightning cause thunder. Explain?

Lightning causes thunder. Lightning is a massive electrical discharge that you see as a bolt or flash of light. Thunder is the sound caused when the lightning superheats the air, creating a shockwave.

What makes thunder ad lightning?

There are different things that make thunder and lightning. Thunder is made when air expands rapidly which causes the noise. Lightning on the other hand is created by an electric discharge.

Why is lightning accopaied by thunder?

Lightning is an electrical discharge through air. This discharge causes the air around the lightning bolt to violently heat (hotter than the suface of the sun) and expand; the air then quickly cools and contracts. This causes the audible crack or rumble of thunder (depending on your distance from the lightning).

What is produced when static electricity is discharged in the air?

An atmospheric discharge of static electricity is called lightning.

Why thunder occurs?

Lightning is an electrical discharge which heats the air and causes it to expand rapidly, thereby creating a loud sound known as thunder.

Why does lightning cause thunder?

Lightning is an electric discharge from the cloud to ground (although you can have other types, such as cloud to cloud). When the lightning strikes it heats up the surrounding air so fast that it causes an explosion, which is heard as thunder.

Is thunder an example of electrical energy?

No, thunder is a result of lightning lightning on the other hand is an example of electrical energy, it is called static discharge,or static energy... Thunder is usually classified as sound energy, i.e. a pressure disturbance travelling through the air. The atmospheric electrical discharge that we call "lightning" causes sudden heating of the air, which causes its sudden expansion, which is what produces the pressure disturbance.

What costs thunder?

Did you mean 'what causes thunder'. I will say the answer for that question. It is actually the lightning that causes thunder. Lightning causes thunder by super-heating a small area of air which then causes an electric current. According to my knowledge, this is the answer for your question.

Explain what causes lightning and thunder?

Lightning and thunder comes from the cumulonimbus cloud and hits the earth.

Why do thunder and lightning usally happen together?

Thunder is caused by lightning. The energy in a bolt of lightning causes sever vibrations, thunder is those vibrations (dispersed energy).

When clouds crash together it causes thunder but why doesn't the clouds go throw each other because it is steam?

Thunder is not caused by clouds crashing together. It is caused by electrical discharge, meaning lightning.

What causes thunder after a lightning strike?

The electricity in the clouds.