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Before the warm front there are cirrus or cirrostratus clouds. Nearer to the front the clouds are stratoform and lower, often precipitating.

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Q: What cloud type is associated with warm fronts?
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Do cloud fronts move faster than warm fronts?

Yes cold fronts move faster than warm fronts

Cold fronts and warm fronts in the middle latitudes are often associated with what?

Cold fronts and warm fronts in the middle latitudes are often associated with low pressure. It is also associated with a middle latitude cyclone.

What are some fronts that are associated with thunderstorms?

warm fronts with low pressure

What type of storms form a warm front?

Warm fronts are usually associated with rain showers. Thunderstorms can develop, but are fairly uncommon.

What causes a cumulonimbus cloud?

What causes a cumulonimbus cloud is the cold and warm fronts that colided.

Are cumulonimbus clouds associated with warm fronts?

Cumulonimbus clouds can develop along warm fronts, but are more common along cold fronts.

What type of front is approaching if you see cirrus clouds high in the sky EXPLAIN how you know?

Cirrus clouds are followed by an approaching warm front.

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Are tornadoes associated with warm fronts?

Generally not. Tornadoes and other severe weather are more often associated with cold fronts.

Is it true that warm fronts are associated with clouds and rain?

Yes. Warm fronts typically bring clouds and light rain or snow.

Are warm fronts associated with clouds and rain?

Not Normally, usually when warm fronts heat the air up, when cold fronts come around, that is the front that normally is associated with clouds and rain. When warm and cold air collide, that's when the development of storms come around.

Are warm fronts are associated with clouds and rain?

Not Normally, usually when warm fronts heat the air up, when cold fronts come around, that is the front that normally is associated with clouds and rain. When warm and cold air collide, that's when the development of storms come around.