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Metallic oxides

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Q: What compounds are formed when group 7 elements react with the air?
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What happens to group one elements when they react with non metals?

Generally ionic compounds are formed.

What is formed when 2 or more elements react together?

You get two or more compounds.

Which group on the Periodic Table of the Elements contains elements that react with oxygen to form compounds with the general formula X2O?

group 1 elements.

Which group in the periodic table contains elements that do no react easily to form chemical compounds?

Group 18 elements, which are also known as noble gases, rarely form chemical compounds.

Why do elements from group 1 form compounds easily?

The elements in group 1 combine easily with other elements to form compounds because they are trying to get rid of their extra electrons. That is why, for example, potassium will react strongly in water. Hope this helps.

Why group 1 and group 2 elements do not occur free in nature?

Group 1 and group 2 elements are reactive metals and react readily with water. They also react readily at high temperatures with oxygen. Over the millenia any free deposits would react to form compounds.

What happens when chemical elements are combined?

When element chemically combine, they form compounds that have properties that are similar to those of the uncombined elements

What elements do nonmetals react with?

Nonmetals may react with metal to form ionic compounds (salts) or other nonmetal elements to form organic compounds.

Why does neon not have any compounds?

This is basic AS chemistry. Neon is in the group of the periodic table known as the noble gases. These elements are inert which means they don't react. Therefore neon does not have any compounds as it is unable to react with anything.

What is produced when group 1 elements react with nonmetal elements?

Usually salts, from the metallic elements in group 1. However, note that hydrogen is also in group 1 and can not form salts, although it forms many other kinds of compounds.

Are the properties of compounds identical to or different from the properties of the elements from which they are formed?

Yes, the properties of compounds are different from those of their component elements. For example, sodium metal and chlorine gas react to form the solid salt sodium chloride.

What group or family never appears in the elements forming the mineral compounds?

I'm guessing noble gases since they do not react with other elements