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H3O+ ion

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Q: What contains coordinate covalent bonds HCl HFl H20 or H30 1?
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What type of chemical bonding is H20?

Water has covalent bonds.

Is H20 a ionic polar covalent or non polar?

Polar covalent bonds between O and H

Does h2o share electrons?

Yes, H20 is a covalent compound, therefore it shares electrons when it bonds.

What type of bond does H20 have?

The hydrogen and oxygen in water mainly have covalent bonds. However there are some ionic bonds; otherwise, water would not have a pH. It also has some hydrogen bonding, which raises the temperature of its melting and boiling.

What kind of bond is h20?

H20 is a covalent bond!

Characterize a coordinate covalent bond and give an example?

NH+4 , AlCl4- and H3O+ are examples of Co-ordinate covalent bond.

What type of matter is H20?

H20, or water, is a polar covalent compound.

What type of of bonds do diatomic molecules such as h2 form?

Molecular hydrogen is bonded covalently (molecularly). Because it is composed of two atoms of just one element, their electronegativities will be the same, meaning they will attract electrons more or less equally. If this occurs, then the bond is called non-polar covalent.

Is h20 molecular or ionic?

Water molecules contain covalent bonds. Water auto-ionises to form hydrated H+ and hydroxyl ions often written as:- H2O <-> H+(aq) +OH-

What kind of bond does H20 have?

Polar covalent

Why is water a covalent compound-?

because it is H20! anyways, water is a polar covalent because it is slightly charged and it is symmetrical. Also, water is sticky which shows us that it is a covlent bond. because it attracts to itself, forms beads of water---- forms bonds together. A lot of bonds (water) together are very strong.

What type of bonds hold hydrogen and oxygen together in h20?

Ionic bonds