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All of them, sadly. This is why there is the Antarctic Treaty.

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11y ago

Too many to count. The chances of Antarctica melting are not great, but if it does, sea levels will rise 60 metres (200 feet).

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Q: What countries will be covered in water when the Antarctica melts?
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If antarctica melts would it be enough water to flood the world?

No. If all the ice on Antarctica melts, it will raise sea levels round the world by 60 metres (200 feet).

How much of antarctica has water?

None. Antarctica is a continent, 98% of which is covered by ice.

Is there a fresh water stream in antarctica?

No. Ninetyy-eight percent of Antarctica is covered with an ice sheet. There is no fresh water there, except that which is frozen.

What are the chemicals that consist of Antarctica?

Antarctica is a continent covered in ice, which as you may know is frozen water, also known as H2O. You could therefore say that Antarctica consists of water, but you could not say that water consists of Antarctica. Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen.

Is there more water or ice in antarctica?

Ice. Water is liquid ice and is found in the Southern Ocean that surrounds Antarctica. Ninety-eight percent of the continent is covered with ice.

Antarctica is made of frozen what?

Antarctica, the continent, is bedrock and soil. Ninety-eight percent of it is covered, however, by frozen water -- an ice sheet.

What is the water area of antarctica?

Ninety-eight percent of Antarctica is covered by an ice sheet. There is no water area on the surface of the continent, except hidden areas under the ice sheet.

How the ice of Antarctica have been formed?

It's in the ice that melt over the ice plateu and fall to the water and floats until it melts.

What countries produce fresh water?

Countries near the coastline (except Antarctica) and ones that receive rainfall.

Why do the ice shelves melt in summer in Antarctica?

Melting of Antarctica's ice shelves occurs underwater, based on warming ocean water. which melts the shelves from underneath. This phenomenon occurs all year and is not limited to summer.

What percentage of the Antarctica is made up of water?

Antarctica is a continent -- the driest on earth. It is, however, covered by an ice sheet that contains about 90% of the earth's ice and about 70% of the earth's fresh water. Otherwise, it is land.

What is one special feature about Antarctica?

Antarctica, a continent that covers 10% of the earth's surface, is covered -- 98% of it -- by an ice sheet that contains 70% of the earth's fresh water.