

What differences cause wind?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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The differences in air pressure.

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Q: What differences cause wind?
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What were the two factors that caused differences in wind speed?

There are two factors that cause differences in wind speed. They are differences in pressure and differences in altitude.

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How does temperature differences affect wind speed?

how does temeperature differences affect wind speed

What causes air to circulate in global wind systems?

when air is cooled, it becomes more dense,and its pressure increases. these differences in air pressure ,in turn ,cause air to circulate in global wind. jk

Can wind cause pollution?

No, wind does not cause pollution

What is the cause of waves?

The cause of waves depends on the strength of the wind. The stronger the wind the bigger the wave.

What energy source drives wind on earth?

The sun's energy. The sun does not heat all surfaces of the earth evenly the differences of temperature between the tropics, poles, land, sea cause air movement - wind

What do you call winds that change directions?

The uneven cooling and heating of the Earth by the Sun cause seasonal changes in wind direction. The heating and cooling causes temperature differences that then develop into wind currents.

Where does the wind begin?

Wind is caused by differences in atmospheric pressure: it doesn't have a specific origin.

How does wind cause deposition?

The wind cause deposition by putting it down

How does the wind cause a turbine to spin?

turbines spin when there is a cause of wind..!!

What are 5 differences between solar and wind energy?

solar energy is energy from the sun and wind energy is energy from the wind