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Q: What do all compounds that end in oxide have in common?
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What do all the compounds that end in chloride have in common?

They all have the element chlorine such as Zinc Chloride the Zinc chlorides element is zinc and chlorine. From Sita

Words that end with oxide?

carbon dioxide

Plants and algae are remarkable in that they can make all compounds they need from the end product of the Calvin cycle which is?

G3P molocules

Why organic compounds are polar in nature?

Organic compounds all have one thing in common: Carbon. The reason Carbon (and organic compounds) are popular in nature is carbon can form lots of bonds and, therefore, attach to many atoms. Carbon can form 4 bonds. Organic compounds are not polar. They are nonpolar. It is possible for part of an organic compound to be polar if the end is an alcohol (OH) or some other polar ion is attached.

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Magnesium oxide

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What is the suffix of binary compounds?

Binary compounds generally end i with the suffix -ide.

Plants and algae are remarkable in that they can make all the organic compounds they need from the end product of the Calvin cycle which is?

C:G3P Molecules

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A zero at the end.

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Where do carbon dioxide and hydrogen oxide end up?

Choclate Sandwhiches

What are organic compounds with double or triple bonds classified as?

Organic compounds with double bonds are classified as alkenes, and end with the suffix -ene, such as pentene or butene. Compounds with triple bonds are called alkynes, and end with -yne, such as octyne or propyne.