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All magnetism is due to circulating electric currents. In magnetic materials the magnetism is produced by electrons orbiting within the atoms; In most substances the magnetic effects of different electrons cancel each other out, but in some, such as iron, a net magnetic field can be induced by aligning the atoms.

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particles are crumbled up , but when a piece of metal is connected to the pirticles switch directions.

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Spin causes electrons to exhibit magnetism.

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Magnetism is mainly due to electrons, though some nuclei also have a magnetic moment.

Is the source of earth's magnetism fully understood by scientists?

No, not fully understood but most of the source and system have understood by scientists.

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While studying the ocean floor, scientists found alternating bands of magnetism. Each band is magnetized with a polarity that is opposite the surrounding bands.

How do scientists make new discoveries in magnetism?

By working really hard on a topic

Does the ruby have magnetism?

I think no

Does magnetism happen when positive and negative charges are not in balance?

I think that magnetism does not have balence

Is there an upper limit to magnetism or can magnetism only gain so much power?

I think there is no limit

What causes a magnet to loose its magnetism?

high temperature, AC magnetic fields, mechanical shocks, and physical distortion.