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The composition and texture of a rock are great indicators of the rock's type and method of formation.

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Q: What do the composition and texture of a rock indicate?
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What is the difference between texture and composition?

BASCILY texture is feel of something an Composition is what does it take to make up something.Texture is based on the sizes, shapes and position of the rocks grains. The Composition of a rock is determined by the minerals that make up the rock. Composition and texture are two characteristics that scientists use to classify rocks.

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Explain the difference between texture and composition in rock identification?

Composition would refer to the material and minerals that compose the rock. Texture refers to the arrangement and size of those materials.

How composition and texture are used to classify rock?

mineral composition is the minerals that the rocks are made of texture refers to the grain size (sediments or interlocking crystals) of the different components of that rock

What is differences between texture and composition?

Composition is the chemical makeup of a rock and describes either the minerals or other materials in the rock, and, texture is the quality of a rock that is based on the sizes shapes and positions of the rocks grains.

What is the most important showing how a rock was formed?

Composition and texture

Which is most important in determining how a rock was formed?

composition and texture

What the difference between texture and composition?

BASCILY texture is feel of something an Composition is what does it take to make up something.Texture is based on the sizes, shapes and position of the rocks grains. The Composition of a rock is determined by the minerals that make up the rock. Composition and texture are two characteristics that scientists use to classify rocks.

What Property Is More Important For Each Sedimentary Rock Types?

Out of texture and composition , it's texture.

What affects the texture of a rock?

the texture of a sedimentary rock is mainly affected by the sediment that formed it

What can texture tell us about the history of the rock and melt?

The initial composition of the magma is dictated by the composition of the source rock and the degree of partial melting.

What type of rock forms when heat and pressure change the structure texture or composition of sedimentary rock?

A "metamorphic" rock.