

What do weather fronts bring?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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Cold Front: Thunderstorms , Heavy Rains , or Snow

Warm Front: Drizzly Rain , and are followed by clear and warm weather

Occluded Front: Cool Temperatures , and Large amounts of rain and snow

Stationary Front: Cloudy , Wet Weather

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Q: What do weather fronts bring?
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Does warm fronts cause weather changes?

Yes warm fronts change the weather! Warm fronts usually bring rainy showers but NOT thunderstorms!

What weather fronts bring storms?

cold front

What fronts bring dry and clear weather?

It's an anticyclone.

What type of weather front brings thunderstorms?

Generally cold fronts bring thunderstorms.

Does an occluded front bring cold weather?

yes: occluded fronts cause the weather to turn cloudy and rainy or snowy

What types of weather fronts are there?

There are warm and cold weather fronts

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What kind of weather usually follows warm fronts?

thunderstorms lightning status cloudes bring the storms.

Does the sun bring weather fronts?

No, the sun only enhances the temperature of the air, which in turn produces large thunderstorms and enhances weather in general.

What kind of weather do cirrus clouds bring?

Cirrus clouds bring fair weather which is good for being out doors.

What kind of weather occurs with warm fronts?

Cold weather front have low pressure air and rain/snow/hail/tornadoes and even hurricanes depending on location. Cold fronts bring huge, towering, billowing clouds [Cumulonimbus] that bring thunderstorms. Warm weather fronts bring gentle precipitation and high pressure air. Warm weather fronts also bring sheetlike clouds [Stratus] and wispy clouds [Cirrus] On the other hand, when there is no front, puffy white clouds [Cumulus] come on fair sunny days.

Why are the movements of fronts so important for predicting the weather?

The movements of fronts are so important for predicting weather. This is because fronts are one factor of weather patterns.