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Plucking is the word used to describe moving glaciers that pick up debris and move it along to other locations. Glaciers form over several years.

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Q: What do you call a glacier that picks up debris and moves it to other places is called what?
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What is another process that moving glaciers picks up debris and moves it along to other places?

glacier landforms

What type of glacier is the Tazlina glacier?

it's a valley glacier, it moves slowly carrying debris and melted snow.

What does the glacier do with these objects that it moves?

the glacier picks up the sediments, rocks, till, debris, and soil and carries them along while the glacier moves and will eventually drop them.

What does the glacier do with the object it move?

the glacier picks up the sediments, rocks, till, debris, and soil and carries them along while the glacier moves and will eventually drop them.

What is a large mass of snow and ice that moves slowly over land?

Any large mass of ice that moves slowly over ice is called a glacier.

Ridge consisting of unsorted sediments deposited at the sides of a glacier?

Such ridges are referred to as lateral moraines. As a glacier moves, it shears debris, such as rock and soil, on both sides, and this unsorted sediment forms ridges along the edges of the glacier.

If a glacier that melts as it moves ends at a point it is called the what?

The terminus.

How do glaciers move boulders?

As a glacier or ice sheet moves, it can erode bedrock. The ice can then pick up, or entrain, the eroded rock. As the ice flows, it transports the bedrock debris in the direction of flow.

A glacier that melts as it moves ends at a point called the?

ice front .

The process in which a glacier loosens and picks up rock as it moves is called?

Plucking is the process in which a glacier freezes around cracked and broken rock and when it moves downhill, the rock is plucked from the back wall of the glacier.

What part of glacier moves fastest when the glacier moves by internal plastic flow?

The central part of the glacier moves fastest than its edges as it is thickest from the center.

In a process called blank a glacier scours the bedrock as it moves?

Abrasion. Stones and rocks are picked up by the glacier and make their way to the bottom of the ice flow where they scour the bedrock as it moves.