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The process by which atoms combine is called bonding. Once they are bonded they are called molecules.

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Yes, compound contains at least two different elements.

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12y ago

Yes, a compound is two or more molecules.

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Q: What do you call it when 2 or more atoms join together to form a compound?
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What is the form when two or more atoms join together?

Compound if different atoms.

When does an atom form a compound?

It forms a compound when atoms bond together in a reaction.

When 2 or more atoms join together they form?

A compound.

Various molecules group together to form what?

They can form a new compound.

When atoms react they form chemical bond which is?

a force that holds atoms together

When two or more atoms bond together and share electrons they form what?

Two or more atoms that get together and share electrons form a chemical bond.

When atoms of different elements join together by chemical bonds they form a?

2 or more atoms joined together form a suspension, solution, mixture, or compound. I don't know what kind of joining together you are talking about so it could be any of the ones i had just mentioned.

When 1 carbon atom and 4 hydrogen atoms join together do they form a compound?

Yes, they form the compound methane with the chemical formula CH4.

When two or more atoms form different elements join they form?

When two or more atoms from different elements join together chemically they form a compound. The compound can be ionic or covalent/molecular depending on the elements that are combined.

When atoms of more than one element are chemically bound together what do they form?

When atoms of more than one element chemically bonded together, they form a molecule. In some contexts, the you might answer that they form a compound.

Atoms bonded together to form a chemical unit are called?


Two or more atoms linked together to form the smallest unit of an element or compound?
