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Seek shelter. If you can get yourself underground, that's the best place to be. Although many people assume overpasses provide a safe haven this is far from the truth; they are by far the worst place to be as a large tornado will easily suck you out. See related links for video of the infamous 1991 tornado in which a group survived a small tornado under an overpass, and a link to tornado myths.

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Q: What do you do if you get stuck in a tornado?
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Which tornado killed the most people in history?

The deadliest tornado in history was the Daulatpur/Saturia tornado of April 26, 1989. This tornado stuck the Dhaka district of Bangladesh, killing an estimated 1,300 people.

Was there a tornado in billings montana during the month of June?

Yes. Billings, Montana was stuck by an EF2 tornado on June 20, 2010.

How many people where killed in the tornado in London on the seventh of December 2006?

The tornado that stuck London on December 7, 2006 did not result in any deaths.

Did Branson Missouri get any damage from the 2011 tornado?

No. Of the 78 tornadoes that stuck Missouri in 2011 none impacted Branson. Branson was, however damage by an EF2 tornado in 2012.

What will happen if a person gets stuck in a tornado will he or she die?

If you are stuck in a tornado, and you are outside, you want to lay down in a large ditch if you can find one. That's how you could survive outside of your house. If you are inside, go to your basement. If you don't have a basement go into the room on the lowest level of your house and stay away from all windows. But to answer the question, the majority of people affected by a tornado survive.

Are there any historical events involving a tornado?

Oddly enough, yes. On August 25, 1814 a tornado stuck Washington D.C. This was during the War of 1812 and at the time the British were occupying the city. The tornado killed a number of British soldiers.

What are the interesting facts about Joplin tornado?

With a death toll of 158 the Joplin tornado of May 22, 2011 was the seventh deadliest tornado in US history, the deadliest in the US since 1947, and the first single tornado to kill more than 100 people since 1953.The damage cost of $2.8 billion marks it as the costliest tornado in U.S. history even with adjustment for inflation.It was the fifth of six tornadoes in 2011 to be rated EF5, tying the annual record set back in 1974.From its formation the Joplin tornado has multiple smaller vortices inside its funnel, which added to the destruction.The tornado formed only a mile outside of Joplin and intensified very rapidly, leaving little time to alert people that a tornado had formed.a number of odd phenomena were observed after the tornado, including a chair with its legs stuck in a wall, a hose stuck through a tree trunk, and a wooden been impaled through a concrete curb.

Should you drive away in a tornado or stay in a house?

Generally you should shelter in place during a tornado as you are more likely to survive if caught in your house than if caught in a car. Evacuating from a tornado is not as simple as it sounds, as the paths of tornadoes can be unpredictable and it is possible to get stuck in traffic since peak tornado activity often coincides with the evening rush hour. That said, if you are in a mobile home when a tornado is coming you should leave it for sturdier shelter.

Was the St. Louis Tornado categorized as a F4?

There have been a number of tornadoes that have stuck St. Louis including a few F4 tornadoes. The most significant tornado to strike the city, which occurred on May 27, 1896 and killed 255 was an F4.

When is a tornado considered a tornado?

A tornado is considered a tornado when it reaches the ground

Is the haboob tornado a tornado?

No, a haboob is not a tornado.

Do tornadoes keep everything they have or do they sit some back up?

If you mean to say to tornadoes take away everything they touch, no. Some stuff they leave in place depending on how strong the tornado is. If you mean to ask if everything a tornado picks up stays with the tornado or ends up back where it started, then the answer is neither. When a tornado picks something up it will stay airborne for a bit but will eventually fall back down somewhere else or end up stuck in something such as a tree or a wall.