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You'll get first: blue Cu-sulfate pentahydrate crystall's

and after further heating: white anhydrous Cu-sulfate powder.

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Q: What do you get when you evaporate a copper sulphate solution?
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an aqueous solution of copper sulphate is homogeneous

How is copper released from a copper sulphate solution?

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Can copper sulphate be separated from its solution by crystallization?

Yes, copper sulphate(CuSO4) can be separated from its solution in crystalline form.

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How do you separate Copper sulphate and broken glass?

Well copper sulphate crystals can be dissolved in water so when dissolved you filter the solution to remove the broken glass then evaporate the water then collect the crystals or crystallisation.

What color is copper sulphate solution and water mixture?

Copper sulphate's colour is blue.

How do you prepare copper sulphate solution?

Add anhydrous copper sulphate to distilled water.

Why aqueous copper sulphate solution conduct electricity but solid copper sulphate does not?

aqueous copper sulphate having high conductive hydroxide ions were as no in solid Copper sulphate.

What forms a solution?

copper sulphate

How is copper released from copper sulphate solution?

u idiot

How does copper and zinc sulphate react together?

zinc is more reactive than copper hence it displaces the copper in copper sulphate solution to become zinc sulphate and copper metal is formed

What happens when iron nail are placed in copper sulphate solution?

the solution turns green and the nails develop a brown deposit which is copper. the iron displaces the copper in the copper sulphate solution. This is because iron is more reactive than copper.