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Actually temperature decreases with altitude called as lapse rate, greater the lapse rate of atmosphere the more it will be unstable. Atmospheric stability is the resistance of atmosphere against the increasing lapse rate therefore we can say that colder the temperature at altitude the more unstable will be the atmosphere similarly the low lapse rate determines that the atmospheric stability. The environmental lapse rate is 9.8 C/Km. Solar radiation helps the atmosphere to remain stable because it heats up the gases near the land which subsequently rises while decreasing lapse rate so that it is said atmosphere in clear sunny day is more stable than cloudy one. The third portion of this question is related the visibility with the solar energy YES the solar energy increases the visibility of atmosphere by breaking the trapping of pollutants and dispersing them while increasing the shining of atmosphere as well.

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Q: What do you understand by atmospheric stability How does the solar energy affect atmospheric stability and the visibility of the atmosphere?
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