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The vacuole is a balloon like organelle where food,water,minerals and wastes may be stored.

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1mo ago

A vacuole in a cell acts as a storage unit, storing nutrients, waste products, and other cellular materials. It also helps maintain the turgor pressure in plant cells, providing structure and support to the cell.

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14y ago

The vacuole of a cell stores waste products and water and also exports unwanted substances from the cell.

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13y ago

Vacuole's are a place for storage such as water or enzymes.

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Q: What does a vacuole do in a cell?
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What are H2O vacuoles?

H2O vacuoles are structures found in plant cells that store water. They help regulate the water content in the cell and maintain turgor pressure, which is important for cell structure and function. These vacuoles can expand or shrink depending on the water needs of the cell.

What holds H2O for plant cells?

The central vacuole in plant cells stores water, nutrients, and waste products to help maintain cell turgor pressure and support the cell structure. The cell wall in plant cells also plays a role in maintaining cell shape and providing structural support.

How can you tell a plant cell from an animal cell?

Plant cells have a cell wall, chloroplasts for photosynthesis, and a large central vacuole, which are not present in animal cells. Animal cells have centrioles and lysosomes, which are typically not found in plant cells.

What does a palisade cell have that a root hair cell does not?

A palisade cell has chloroplasts in its cytoplasm to carry out photosynthesis, which root hair cells lack. Chloroplasts contain chlorophyll that captures light energy to convert it into sugars. Root hair cells, on the other hand, are specialized for absorption of water and minerals from the soil.

Which structure helps a plant stand upright?

One structure that helps a plant stand upright is its stem. The stem provides support for the plant and allows it to grow vertically. In addition, other structures such as roots and specialized tissues also contribute to the plant's stability and ability to remain upright.

Related questions

Where in the cell is the vacuole?

Vacuole is located within the cell. It is found in plant cell but little or no vacuole is found in animal cell

What cell has a vacuole?

The plant cell has a vacuole.

Is a vacuole a eukaryotic cell?

A vacuole is an organelle IN a Eukaryote cell

What does a vacuole of a plant cell do?

A vacuole stores materials in the cell.

What cell stores material within the cell?


What happens when a cell doesn't have a vacuole?

If the cell doesn't have a vacuole, the cell may explode.

Is Central vacuole a animal cell or plant cell?

The central vacuole is in the plant cell.

What part of the cell is the vacuole found?

Vacuole is found in the cytoplasm of the cell.

What is the the storage compartment of a cell?

The vacuole is the storage part of a cell

What does the vacuole function in the cell?

a vacuole is the part of a cell that stores water

Which organelle is large in a plant cell but small or absent in an animal cell?

Cell vacuole

Is a vacuole a animal cell?

Vacuole, derived from vacuum, means an empty space; in a cell, it is a space inside the cell, usually used as a place to put food that the cell has eaten (in which case it is a digestive vacuole).