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It provides the grass with nutrients and let's the grass anchor itself to the ground.

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Q: What does soil provide for the grass on a soccer field?
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What type of soil is best for a soccer field?

sandy soil because it is soft

Where would gullies form a field with plowed soil and no plants or a field with thick grass?

a field with plowed soil and no plants

Where would gullies form a field with plowed soil and no plants or a field covered with thick grass explain?

a feild with plowed soil and no plants

Where should gullies be more likely to form a field with plowed soil and no plants or a field covered with thick grass?

In the latter.

Is the new Yankee Stadiums field grass or turf?

The Cleveland Browns Stadium uses grass, not synthetic turf. "The field is a Kentucky Bluegrass irrigated field with a sand-soil root zone and an underground heating system containing nine boilers and 40 miles of underground piping. The heating system helps to keep the field from freezing and extends the growing season of the turf. Field has been designed to accommodate international soccer as well, with dimensions of 69 yards by 114 yards."

What could happen to rain that falls onto a field of grass?

It either soaks into the soil or it runs downhill (drainage), or it evaporates.

What happens to the soil where there is no more grass?

when there is no grass the soil loses its fertility and may cause soil erosion or global warming.

Thick mass of grass roots and soil?

The thick mass of grass and soil is called the topsoil

Does a grasshopper eat soil?

no , grass hopper never eats soil .but it eats soil when its food is mixed with soil.for example if soil is mixed with grass then it eats its food along with grass .it wont eat sand raw.

Why do you think landfills are eventually covered with soil and grass?

I don't think they are eventually covered with soil and grass.

What makes grass?


What stops a moving ball on a field?

Friction, but that is one of the reasons why it causes a moving ball to stop. Friction comes from the grass and sometimes the dirt/soil.