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Most solar energy when it hits the atmosphere goes right through and warms the surface of the earth. The warmed surface of the earth radiates infra-red heat into the atmosphere where some of it is captured by greenhouse gases. The more greenhouse gas there is, then the warmer the atmosphere becomes.

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1mo ago

When solar radiation strikes the Earth, it produces heat and light. This radiation is essential for life on Earth as it drives weather patterns, supports plant growth through photosynthesis, and powers numerous renewable energy sources like solar panels.

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10y ago

Part of it is always reflected, part of it is always absorbed, and part of it may

in some situations be transmitted ... sail right on through the object and come

out the other side. Window glass is a perfect example.

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reflected, absorbed, scattered and transmitted

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Q: What does solar radiation produce when it strikes the Earth?
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In polar areas solar radiation strikes Earth at a?

In polar areas, solar radiation strikes Earth at a lower angle, leading to less direct sunlight and lower overall energy received per unit area. This results in colder temperatures and contributes to the formation of polar climates characterized by ice and snow.

In polar areas solar radiation strikes Earth at what angle?

In polar areas, solar radiation strikes Earth at a low angle due to the curvature of the Earth, resulting in less direct sunlight and lower levels of solar energy being received. This contributes to the cold climate and limited daylight hours experienced in these regions.

In polar areas solar radiation strikes earth at?

In polar areas, solar radiation strikes Earth at a small angle. The dissipation of light in the Earth's atmosphere is increased when it falls at a shallow angle.

Where does earth receive the most radiation?

The equator receives the most solar radiation because sunlight strikes the Earth directly there, creating more intense heat and energy. This is due to the angle of the Earth's axial tilt and rotation.

The sun's radiation is most pronounced when it's strikes?

The sun's radiation is most pronounced when it strikes directly overhead, which occurs around solar noon. At this time, the sunlight passes through the least amount of atmosphere, allowing more radiation to reach the Earth's surface.

What angle does solar radiation in polar areas strike earth at?

In polar areas, solar radiation strikes Earth at a low angle, close to the horizon. This angle causes the sunlight to be more spread out and less concentrated, resulting in lower energy input compared to equatorial regions.

Why do the regions receive less solar radiation than the equatiorial regions of the earth?

Regions away from the equator receive less solar radiation because the angle at which the sunlight strikes the Earth's surface is more oblique, spreading the energy over a larger area. This reduces the intensity of solar radiation received compared to the more direct and concentrated sunlight at the equator.

What happens to most solar radiation when it reaches the surface of Earth what happens?

Most of the solar radiation is absorbed when it reaches the surface of the earth. Some of the solar radiation is also absorbed in the atmosphere.

What product is formed when solar radiation strikes an oxygen molecule?

When solar radiation strikes an oxygen molecule (O2), it can lead to the formation of ozone (O3) in the stratosphere. Ozone plays a crucial role in the ozone layer, absorbing and filtering out harmful ultraviolet radiation from the sun.

What is the term for solar radiation that reaches the earth's surface?

The term for solar radiation that reaches the earth's surface is "insolation." Insolation is the amount of solar radiation received per unit area at the surface of the Earth.

Why do higher latitudes receive less solar radiation than lower elevations?

Higher latitudes receive less solar radiation due to the angle at which the sunlight strikes the Earth's surface. At higher latitudes, the sun's rays hit the Earth at a lower angle, spreading the same amount of energy over a larger area. This results in lower intensity of sunlight and less solar radiation reaching those areas.