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The sun.

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Q: What does the air that you live in receive its heat from?
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Does air in a balloon contract when you heat it?

because he receive too much heat

What are the 3 most needed things to live on earth?

water air heat

Describe the air temperature in regions of the earth that receive more heat?

because it is near in the sun and it gets direct light.

Where is the flap that opens and closes to receive heat and air located on a 1988 Oldmobile 98?

the flap is located at the top of the plane

Describe the air temperature in regions of the earth that receive less heat?

because it is farther to the sun and can't get the direct sunlight

Why does air accupy more space when it is heated?

The molecues making up the air receive the energy from the heat, and as they become more excited they spread out and fill more space.

The lower air cools most rapidly during what time?

Answernight, just before sunrisea sunny day b\c the lower air continues to receive heat from the sun and receives the reradiated heat from the ground

Why do you get sun burnt faster wet than you do dry?

Water conducts heat much better than air, and that is due greater density of water. Therefore, your body will receive more heat from hot water than from hot air that is in contact with your skin.

What does air to air mean in heat pumps?

Air to air simply means a heat pump that sits outside of your home and pulls heat from the outside air. This is the most common type of heat pump.

Can malamutes live in all countries?

Yep. Their fur protects them from the cold but it also traps air and cools them in the heat.

What organism live where it is sometimes submerged and routinely exposed to air heat battering wave and strong currents?


What is the difference between heat and air?

heat is hot, air is cold Heat and air differ in every respect; heat is a form of energy that is transferred by a difference in temperature, and air is a mixture of gases.