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nothing . haaah .

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Q: What does the saying When clouds appear like rocks and towers earth's refreshed by frequent showers mean?
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Is this saying true when the clouds look like rocks and towers the earth will be refreshed by showers?

yes, this is because when clouds look like rocks or towers that means they are probably cumulonibous clouds and those types of clouds produce rain

What happens if you see cumulus clouds?

Cumulus clouds from usually mean fair weather , but they can produce light rain or snow showers

What is the type of clouds are sometimes called fair weather clouds but can grow into more sedimentation clouds and continued upward growth suggests showers later in the day?


What kind of weather will Auckland new zealand have this week?

we will have a few showers and clouds this week.

Do cumulonimbus clouds appear in tornadoes?

Cumulus clouds don't so much appear in tornadoes. It is more accurate to say that tornadoes descend from cumulonimbus clouds.

What is the temperature if it is warm with dark clouds?

Well it all depends on what the weather is like. If it's warm with dark clouds, most likely there will be rain showers.

What kind of weather would cumulonimbus clouds likely bring?

Heavy Showers, Thunderstorms or Hail

What clouds appear when tornadoes occur?

Tornadoes are produced by cumulonimbus clouds. Other clouds associated with tornadoes include wall clouds and funnel clouds.

What type of clouds appear to be piled up from high to low?

Cumulus Clouds

What is the color of Neptunes clouds?

The clouds on Neptune are made of Methane, and appear to be Blue.

What kind of clouds are found along cold front?

Cb or cumulonimbus clouds form at the cold font associated with heavy showers, followed by cumulus (Cu) clouds. A cold front forms when a more dense, warm air mass over a departing cold air mass

Why do clouds appear to move while we move?

when we walk the clouds so big it look like the clouds is following you