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The number of valence electrons increases from left to right across a row of the Periodic Table by an increment of one electron from each element to the next.

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Q: What don you notice about the number of valence electrons as you move from left to right across a row or the period in the periodic table na-mg-al-si-p-s-ci-ar?
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How does the number of valence electrons change as you go across the 2nd period of the periodic table?

the no. of electrons increses

What do you notice about the number valence electrons?

left to right across on a row or a periodic table

What happens to the reactivity of metals from left to right across the perriodic table?

Elements become less reactive as you move from left to right across the periodic table. This is due to how many valence electrons (outer-most electrons) the element has; the less valence electrons, the more reactive the element.

What happens to valence electrons as you move across the row?

The number of valence electrons increases.

Compare the number of valence electrons on oxygen atom has with number of valence electrons a selenium atom has Are oxygen and selenium in the same period or group?

They both have 6 valence electrons. Oxygen and Selenium are in the same group.

What is the difference between a period and a group on the periodic table?

Periods on the periodic table go across and are based on the number of unexcited electrons increasing as you read across. Groups on the periodic table are read down the table and share the same number of valence electrons.

What do you mean by group and period in the periodic table?

The group is the column and the period is the row. Group numbers run across the top of the periodic table, and period numbers run down the left side. Group tells you the number of valence electrons and period tells you the energy level that those valence electrons are in.

What is the trend of valence electrons across each period?

The number of valence electrons increases as you go across a period. For example in period 2 the number of valence electrons rises from 1 in Li up to 8 in neon.

What do you notice about the number of valence electrons as you move from left to right across a row or period?

The number of valence electrons increases from left to right across a period.

How does the number of valence electrons for elements across a period?

The number of valence electrons for the elements increases across a period, from 1 (group 1) to 8 (group 18).

What do you notice about the number of valence electrons as you move from left to right across a periodic table example Na-Ar?

each time, an energy level is added. ;3

How can you determine the number a valence electron an atom has?

you must plot out the element like protonéatomic number by using the bhor diagram