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Moving charges produce magnetic fields.

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In other words, when the charge moves along a conductor it creates an electric current. The current induces a magnetic field around the conductor.

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Q: What electric charge crates a magnetic field?
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What are two fields surround a moving electric charge?

A moving electric charge will produce a magnetic field.A moving electric charge will produce a magnetic field.A moving electric charge will produce a magnetic field.A moving electric charge will produce a magnetic field.

Can a moving electric charge create a magnetic field?

Yes. A spinning charge will create a magnetic field as will a moving charge.

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for apex its: a quantum field, a gravitational field

Is it true or false that an electric charge creates a magnetic field?

Opposites attract, like charges repel each other.

What is the effect of a magnetic field on a stationary electric field?

The magnetic field will have no effect on a stationary electric charge. ( this means that the magnetic field is also stationary. ) If the charge is moving , relative to the magnetic field then there might be an effect, but the size and direction of the effect will depend on the direction of the electric charge as it moves through the field. If the charge is moving parallel to the field there will be no effect on it. If the charge is moving at right angles to the field then it will experience a force that is mutually orthogonal to the field and direction of the motion. You really need diagrams to properly explain this

Why photon cannot be deflected by electric and magnetic field?

a photon cannot be deflected by an electric or magnetic field because it has no charge and no magnetic poles like elementary particles such as the electron

Moving electric charges will interact with?

Moving electric charges will interact with an electric field. Moving electric charges will also interact with a magnetic field.

What kind of field is electricity?

Electrostatic field surrounds a stationary charge. A moving charge has magnetic and electric field surrounding it. But since the mag. field at a point due to the moving charge keeps changing, there is also an induced electric field. this ind. electric field in turn induces a magnetic field. and this goes on in a cycle. (Maxwell equation)

Distinguish an electric from a magnetic field?

An electric field can created by a presence of a charge particle such as electron or proton. While a magnetic fieldis created due the relative motion of a charge particle with repeat to a stationary observer, motion of the charge particle.

If an object a is attracted to a magnet does the abject a have a charge?

Charge is an electric field, A magnet has a magnetic field. If an object is attracted by a magnet it does not signify whither or not it has a charge.

What are electromagnetic oscillators?

when a charge oscillates for example in a capacitor it produce an electric field; which in turns produce a magnetic field in an inductance. the magnetic field oscillates perpendicular to the electric field and an electromagnetic waves perpendicular to both is produced.

A magnetic field does not interact with a?

A) stationary electric charge B) moving electric charge C) stationary magnet D) a moving magnet