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Potassium chlorate is a compound containing potassium, chlorine, and oxygen atoms. It's molecular formula is KClO3.

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14y ago

Potassium iodide (KI) contains potassium and iodide ions. The elements that are present are potassium and iodine.

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Q: What elements does potassium chlorate contain?
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What elements is potassium chlorate a compound of?

Potassium chlorate is KClO3 and it consists of potassium, chlorine and oxygen.

Which chemicals do matches contain?

potassium chlorate

What is an example of a binary compound is potassium chloride potassium chlorate ammonium chloride or ammonium chlorate?

Potassium chloride. Contains two elements.

How much potassium chlorate is in a gummy bear?

Uh you got it a bit mixed up in there. Gummy bears don't contain Potassium Chlorate they contain sugar, so when you drop a sugar-rich candy into molten Postassium Chlorate it will explode.

How many atoms does one molecule of potassium chlorate contain?


What is potassium and chlorate?

potssium is K chlorate is CLO3 potssium chlorate is a dangours produce. Formula: KClO3 we are a potassium chlorate manufacture in we know more about the potassium chlorate the potassium chlorate produce method is electrolyze-filtration-drying.

What is valencies of Potassium hypochlorite Potassium chlorite Potassium chlorate and Potassium perchlorate?

potassium chlorate is used in match industy. we are a potassium chlorate factory in china. potssium chlorate also can be used in firework . if you want to know more about the potassium chlorate ,please visit the related link.

What type of compound is potassium chlorate?

Potassium chlorate is KClO3

What is the name of the compound with the formula KClO3?

The name of the compound with the formula KClO3 is "potassium chlorate".

What is the formula for potassium chlorate?

The formula for potassium chlorate is KClO3.

What the conclusion of composition of potassium chlorate?

we can know that potassium chlorate is very poisonous.

Is potassium chlorate polar covalent?

No. Like all potassium compounds, potassium chlorate is ionic.